Complete Project List

This page contains all the prjects I've worked on up to present. They are mainly classified into two parts.

The first part, Software or Website Developing consists of all the developing project, including software developing, web developing and some machine learning model. The second part contains some data analysis course projects.

Except those three projects presented in the main page of my personal CV, the github repository and the details for rest of the projects are still under construction. When they are finished, please click the title to go to the github repo to see full details.

Software or Website Developiing

Teammate Matching Website

University of Toronto CSC309
  • Cooperated with three teammates and built a website for teammate matching when playing games.
  • Took most responsibility in the team. Took charge of models’ schema design, cloud database setup, user profile pages, message board and comment display sections, and the deployment of web application.
  • Managed the progress of the whole team and took major responsibility in presentation and communication with TA.
Fall 2020

Bitcoin time-series prediction for auto-trading

Self Learning Project
  • Enriched and cleaned the data to a uniform format for training purposes.
  • Trained LSTM model using Keras in Python on a GPU machine, and optimized the training and validation pipeline to make the process more time and computational efficient.
  • Validated the model using customized functions for imbalanced labels and achieved 78% accuracy.
Summer 2020

Survive University Software Game Design

University of Toronto CSC207
  • Developed a game software with the theme of “Survive University” in Java using Android Studio and git as version control.
  • Completed one of three games in the software with another teammates. Wrote the game over activity and the xml independently. Implemented several design patterns such as MVP and observer.
Fall 2019

Quadtrees For Image saving and processing

University of Toronto CSCB09
  • Implemented an algorithm to compress images of different depth and grayscale using quadtree data structure, heap allocation, and deallocation.
  • Programmed with C for constructing quadtree, building image from quad tree, deallocating image to quadtree and save or free the quadtree with all test cases passed
Summer 2019

Data Analysis

University Education Value Data Analysis

University of Toronto STAA57
  • Collected data from open databases and performed data analysis by comparing selected variables and observing the features to be concluded.
  • Visualized the data analysis results into graphs such as boxplot and histogram using R.
  • Served as the team lead, managed the group dynamics, and present in front of professors and classmates with a final grade of 100 out of 100.
Spring 2019

Sports Event Marketing Data Analysis Hackathon

the Bridge, University of Toronto
  • Cooperated with 4 group members to give practical suggestions for improving the Varsity Blue Sports Event such as time adjustment and university spirit building based on our analysis towards collected data.
  • Visualized the data and findings for improving Varsity Blue Sports Event.
  • Gave a pitch presentation on our solutions and won 3rd place in the final round
Spring 2019